SVG Text Layout

Example code for the O’Reilly Media book

by Amelia Bellamy-Royds & Kurt Cagle


SVG Text Layout takes an in-depth look at how complex text layouts can be created with SVG markup and styles. The many examples demonstrate the concepts with stand-alone SVG graphics or inline SVG code in HTML pages.

The authors have made all the example code and screenshots available as a reference repository. These files are covered by the O’Reilly Media policy on the use of example code. Short version: you are free to use the examples in moderation; credit is appreciated but not required. However, please don't integrate a large portion of the example set within a product or documentation.

The chapter links in the following outline will take you to an index of the examples and figures as SVG files you can view live in your browser. Alternatively, you can download the entire collection as a zip archive or fork it as a GitHub repository.